Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The first last exam...

An hour back, i had one of those long moments..........B -School term papers :P

The first one of the last term exams. I spent more time writing it than studying for it. And no sir, it was not an open book, open laptop one. It required effort unlike our esteemed financebatchmates who had a gala time CCPing the ppts. Lolz.....

Another one to go in 4 hours so ....off i go


Rajat Goyal said...
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Rajat Goyal said...

heh. commenting about the "worse" over here. good lines. just a teeny weeny bit of nitpicking.

in brogue, its usually "thee" in the unposessive version of adressing (for "you"). "thy" is used in stead of "your".


Jormund Elver said...

Heh...now copying ppts takes some effort, y'know!

Mauve Stocking said...

M'dear Elver, Mugging up and puking takes much more..

Mauve Stocking said...

point was not to discuss the post anywhere, rajat! :P
but nitpicking's well taken ... will correct so. :)

Anonymous said...

Great work.

Mauve Stocking said...

Many thanks, Mr/Ms. Voilet!